First of all, download Bluestacks for PC using the above link and install it as without it you won’t be able to install Snapchat on computer.There is also an option to video chat with your friends. Chat with Friends: You can even see whether your friends are online or not from within the application and you can start a chat with them if they are online.So no one can view it with others unless they take a screenshot of the snap. Auto Delete Feature: The application has a unique feature where all the snaps that you upload to your account will automatically be deleted permanently within 24 hours.

However within 24 hours, these photos will be deleted automatically from the app thus avoiding any misuse of your images. Now if you are already using the app then you might know all its features but if you are not using then you should know that with the app, you will be able to upload photos and videos and share them with your friends. So if you also want to use the application on your computer then you can follow the simple guide to download Snapchat for PC and once you are done with the steps in this article you will be able to use the app directly from your computer. If you use Snapchat app on your Android smartphone then you might already know that the application is amazing as it allows you to share photos and videos with your friends easily.